Well the answer is maybe, it all depends on a number of different factors and your current health condition with the Diabetes. The article below helps you in determining what and if obtaining a life policy is possible.
Diabetes is a disorder that occurs because your body is not producing enough insulin. It is mostly irreversible but can be controlled by diet, medication and exercise prescribed by your Doctor. By the way when applying for a life policy the above mentioned factors (diet, exercise and medication) are the big factors the underwriters look for in you file. Control and follow up with your doctor are huge and will greatly improve your opportunity for the best rates.
Items needed to help your broker present the best case to the insurance company:
• Have you seen any specialists: Like neurologist, endocrinologist or nephrologist? If you have either obtain the records or have the latest results from them and explain to your broker.
• History of your blood sugar control: copies of blood sugar tests and your Hemoglobin A1c’s always help Note: Blood sugar and A1c readings are a huge factor in life underwriting for diabetics.