About Me

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Boise, Idaho
Chris’s career in financial services began over 20 years ago as a financial adviser. Focusing on helping small business owners and families to establish and implement retirement saving-distribution, wealth transfer, and asset protection strategies where he won industry and company awards for production and client satisfaction. You can visit my Health Insurance, Medicare & Life Insurance website here at https://www.goidahoinsurance.com/ My Home Insurance Boise Website. My Idaho Workers Compensation Insurance website. Here is my newest insurance website Washington Earthquake & Flood Insurance Areas of specialization include Health, Medicare, Life, Long Term Care, Annuities, Business, Auto & Home Insurance.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Short Term Disability Insurance Can Help

We would all like to know exactly what was going to happen to us in the future, good or bad although it is hard planning for the good it is much easier, although less pleasurable to make arrangements for the bad but long or short term disability insurance can help. With the stress and frustration caused by a temporary or permanent disability, disability insurance can help you not only weather the financial difficulties you may encounter during your incapacitation but also to take some of the emotional strain away the financial difficulties it is certain to create. In fact there is a higher probability of a person requiring some form of long or short term disability insurance before they retire than the likelihood of dying. However more people buy life insurance long before considering the advantages of disability coverage. If you are aged 40 for example, there is a higher chance that you will be disabled, and thus unable to work for a period of 90 days or more, than of you dying before the age of 65.

Of course, when someone is seeking disability insurance cover, it is imperative to find the best disability insurance rates and plans available. Unlike life cover, disability insurance rates are based on the potential income lost as well as, age, occupation and general health. Many people find that they can reduce their monthly disability insurance premiums buy delaying when the first payment would be made to them if they were to make a claim on their disability insurance plan. Another option to lower the monthly premiums is put a limit on how long the payments are to be made before they stop although if you your period of incapacitation lasts longer than this, it will mean that you will have to find an alternative source of income.

Insurance company policies will differ but the majority will only pay a percentage of your lost income so it is a good idea to choose the best one for you and in this instance, the cheapest disability insurance may not necessarily be the best. Reduced period disability insurance is also known as short term disability and although it may only last a few months, the benefits can be greater to the claimant. However, if someone takes out total disability insurance which would provide a reduced financial income for a longer period, they will probably have to show proof that they could no longer perform tasks they could before the incapacitation. Whatever the situation though, a person making a claim owing to incapacitation will be sent a disability benefit check every month until the end of the plan or they return to work.

Other key points to consider when looking into disability insurance are if there are restrictions on pre-existing medical conditions, whether your occupation will increase the cost of premiums, how long the payments are made and whether you will have to pay tax on the benefit. Remember that every disability insurance policy is different and they will not all provide exactly the same benefits, including how much they will pay as a percentage of your income. To give you an example: some disability insurance plans pay out as much as seventy percent of your monthly income in benefit whereas others can pay as low as forty percent so you need to do your research to avoid being paid less than you can afford to survive on. More than any other factor, it is this one that you need to be sure of as once you have taken out the plan and found it necessary to make a claim, it will be too late for you to change it.

To get more info on insurance go to Homeowners Fire Insurance as well as Holiday Home Contents Insurance

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